

Great value in gifts!
If you want fantastic value in giftware... look no further!

We offer great reductions on list prices in our
"New, Unwanted Gift Section". 

We also offer the same service as we do for curtains, for unwanted gifts.  Bring them to our showroom - if they are suitable we will agree a price with you and display them for sale.  When sold, we will pay you the agreed price, or, if they do not sell you can collect them from us, or we can send them to a charity for you.

We carry large stocks of giftware suitable for all occasions.  Much of this, such as crystal - Waterford, Dublin, Galway etc. - has been brought to us as "new unwanted gifts", and is on sale at reductions of approximately 25% of normal retail price.

Also stocked are lamps, frames, planters, pottery, candles, and much more.  In fact, we could be the answer to your gift problems.  Alternatively why not treat your self to that item which you have always wanted except that you balked at paying the full price!



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